Tuesday, February 22

They're All Gone!

Well, it was a lot of fun while it lasted. The older brother and sister + thier significant others had been here this weekend, along with my cousin and her friend from St. Louis, and since about a day and a half ago, everyone is gone. So now starts a process of getting back into a "normal" routine, which will totally depend on how hard I want to try to get things back under control.

It was a really good weekend. I guess technically my weekend isnt over. This whole 5 day weekend thing is really working out for me. go 3 days get off 5, go 4 get 2 more off. That's 7 at home and 7 at school, what a ratio!! But, after something like that a regular sleeping schedule will be all but impossible before yet another break in 3 days. That makes school practically unnecessary. How is one supposed to concentrate on work and activities when they can look ahead to a 3, 4, or 5 day weekend? school officials are not the smartest bees in the hive. (sorry I have been on an analogy tear for the last few weeks, it doesnt stop) i need some new material.

Apologies to the Tuesday morning guys. There were just other things going on this morning. Also, apologies to the CP people. I really wanted to go to the games tonight but i ended up having homework (go figure) and the rent's told me not to plan to be out tonight. how depressing! i was hoping to be there to support the senior boys. for those of you who dont know and would have made an unnecessary judge of character and labeled me a sexist right there, the Cair Paravel Latin School girls basketball team contains 0 seniors. Good luck at state one and all this weekend.

Does life ever take a break? Workaholics take breaks once and a while, but does life ever quit being stressful, and often times ridiculous? i envy the people who have already experience these times. Cursed (pronounced, in Shakespearean kur sed, or something of that sort) you married and on honeymoon people you! oh what a thought.

One more thing i dont want to talk about is the most revolting of figures in my life right now. And contrary to popular belief, it is not T.P., but J.R. Giddens. Granted, he did shoot fairly well last night, but he did try to ruin the game by fouling that guy when he made a bucket late in the game. oh thats right! He DID ruin the game. Langford really needs to work on them free throws. i shoot them better then he does, and he doesnt have an excuse. But props to Simien for just being a classy hard nosed athlete, a real role model. if only that would spill over to the drunk loving underage teammates of his. my gosh! you are supposed to be good, and not have to be told all the time. the fans are right, stiffen up, play better, something other then whine about how you are being treated and have huge birthday parties where people I know that are underage attend.

I thought i took care of all apologizing already but i realize that that tirade was not exactly necessary. It was fun, im not going to lie, but it was not necessary.

I am proud of: Tough decisions, people who make me smile, my family, those of you with strong relationships, athletic ability, people i care about succeeding a.k.a a brother who scores 18 points in a youth Y game. (He's 8!) And, LONG POSTS.

This was a long post, but it was well deserved. i am looking forward to the rest of this week. and i hope that things arent quite as random as last week, but a little randomness never hurt. sorry no quote for you this time, the end is kinda rushed, got that whold homework thing going on. i mean seriously! Ah, well, til next time..!


Blogger Pureblood Prince said...

'Drew...we missed ya this morning and evening. Anna ashcraft showed up. We ended up winning by about 15, but the game was pretty intense..anyways, i'll see ya Wednesday evening.

7:31 PM  
Blogger Staci said...

andrew, andrew, andrew. so today (aka english) was interesting. i don't know what i'd do without friends like you and jacqueline who read into everything, and know what i'm thinking 24/7! geeez, oh well...fun stuff.
ps~ you going to the games tomorrow?

2:55 PM  

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