Wednesday, April 20

Summer, the bliss that is.. not school

In a recent email i began with the following statement:
"Ah, the end of the year draws ever nearer.
the heciticness draws even larger shadows under the
eyes that for a moment, scream against the betrayal of
sanity, and beg for a time of less stress and also an
afternoon of peace, quiet, lemonade, and a good chiq
flick, err.. a really good guy movie."

So, that is pretty much how i am dealing with life pre- May 19. wow! less then a month! how awesome is that? let me answer that one for myself. that is FREAKIN AWESOME. i had the best summer ever last year and this one is on tap to be even better. i have explained all that that will entail, but i cant stress my excitement enough.

It was soo hot at track today. so what do we decide to do? it just so happens that there is not a bus to take underclassmen over to Hummer for track today, so we have to have our practice at High. ... IN THE GYM! so there isnt 2000 people in there for a basketball game, but there isnt a brisk night just beyond the Western St. doors when the heat becomes too much either. there is no escape. just like when you are being chased in your dreams. did you ever notice that? you are being chased, and you go to the best hiding spots, but it is impossible to stay hidden. what kind of dream would that be if the bad guys couldnt find you? would you just lay still, and have an amazingly deep sleep? .. ne way, so that requires you to subconsiously invite the "bad guys" to find you continuing to run and be pursued. (how did i get here..?) ah yes, we ran in the gym, and outside on the concrete and in the grass and in the bleachers. having had shin splints for the last 3 weeks, i was less then pleased with the protocol for the day, and am paying the price tonight. not my idea of a good time, let me tell you.

NHS inductions are less then necessary. we sit, and sit, and listen, and then we are introduced to recieve our certificates. if you are me, you are more then capable of making things less stressful on others by making a fool of yourself while trying to follow directions as to the order of events that you didnt pay any attention to. let me know, and i will tell you the story. no biggie though.

prom in 2 weeks and 4 days! good thing things are starting to fall into place. i look forward to the night, but the apprehension is really starting to build. ah well..

"Give em a break." a statement used by the KS Department of Transportation, but also very capable of being applied to some drama that is going on now. it just isnt worth the time and effort that is being put into it. i encourage those involved to look to put it behind them. you will need all of these real friends that you have before it is over.

Have a good week/weekend!


Blogger Staci said...

ah crandall, lovely of you to blog. for some reason...i just can't find the motivation with everything that is going on.

2:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks 4 talking to me, i think it helped....a little..maybe..?

7:16 PM  
Blogger Andrew Crandall said...

AHH!! well said Doug. i can honestly say i read that twice so as to be able to laugh twice as much, just for fun! good insight. your post was the most.. i dont know.. LONG thing i have ever seen of its kind. definitely deserving the 34 comments i noted last time i checked.

3:03 PM  
Blogger Kelsie said...

hey it's kels. i don't have anything to say. we just got back from our game in wichita and i was pretty energetic the whole time but now i'm crashing down. i honestly have nothing to say. i just wanted to say hey. and that u need to call this weekend. and about ur game sunday...i need details.

9:28 PM  
Blogger ksapp said...

Hey, who is the FLORASIAN K? I thought you where going to add me to your links page, and when I click on it, it was me. I find this very offensive and derogatory.I would prefer Flor Korean-American K, this would be more politically correct. Anyways always enjoy reading your blog. Holla!!!

12:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like how u sat there listening to me that night knowing u were one of them. honestly, how did u do it andrew? cuz u sure fooled me. oh and i also like how u put a comment from ur blog AFTER ur first comment, so as not to be suspicious. clever. thanks for all the lies like eveyone else~HANNAH

2:26 PM  
Blogger Kelsie said...

it be kels,
i looved ur comment. it made me laugh. your name, random yet wow, fits you perfectly. ur thoughts are all over the place. it brings me joy though. and u like Dave? i didn't know that. that automatically makes you 100x cooler in my book;) oh and its ok u didn't go to YL. i had a game today so i didn't go either.

6:46 PM  

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