Friday, June 3

This is what it's all about!

In case anyone has ever tried the link to "the rope" you are now able to do so. i guess i just had an extra slash at the end of the hyperlink which apparently was the whole problem. so after 2 months of having that on my sidebar and it not working, that is a pretty crappy reason for it not to have worked. oh well.

so, this summer i thought was going to be freaking awesome, but it hasnt started off that way. first of all, i really want to go swimming, and i havent gotten to. second of all, i havent been able to work outside a whole lot, partially because it has been raining, but also because of my job at topeka high. so it isnt that hard, but i have to work with jacob scholl and ben nelson. jacob, who only talks about basketball and girls, while ben rants about these stupid movies nobody has ever heard of, playing them up like they are amazing, when actually the only thing amazing about them is that, thankfully, the subtitles are turned off, and you cant understand just how dumb they really are. then he bashes my music, you arent the only one dana, and thinks putting me down is his job for the day, as obviously we dont have a real job. i hope we go down to the gym some time next week. maybe we will play dodgeball or something, then i can hit them in places of meaning. i dont really know what the deal is. i just cant stand being around them. this is going to be a long summer.

moving on, mission's trip is really going to suck now. ben is going to that too. i might have been able to bear it if i wasnt working with him every day of the week now. i hope God has a different plan for ben, otherwise i will have to make it for him.

so i guess that wasnt exactly moving on, but i am just so frsutrated right now. i wish someone would tell me i am better then i really am so that i can feel good about myself even though i know what i am doing is really ridiculous. i mean i dont give ben a reason to hate me. i guess immaturity is bred by those foolish minds of which cant contend that what they are doing is ne thing other than what is good and what is normal. abstract, but nothing wrong. sad i know.

well, summer sizzle is next week. i am looking forward to that. nothing can stop me!! oh yeah, its supposed to rain. FOR THE NEXT WEEK. soccer next friday at 6 out at the complex. saturday @4, and sunday morning at 8. further updates if we are moving on.


Blogger the Opinionator said...

SHUT-UP Andrew, all you ever talk about is how you suck at basketball, have no relations with girls whatsoever, how you can't understand korean or japanese, and how this is amazingly all our fault. Look, Jacob and I CAN understand Korean and Japanese, so we don't need the subtitles, so, like we've told you many times before, we will not be turning them on just so you can try and understand a movie which will inevitably go way over your head.

Secondly: I'm going to Summer Sizzle too, all week of it. And your "Scary Movie Night" has been changed to "Scary French Movie Night" where we will watch Haute Tension. Sorry bud, no subtitles.

Get over yourself. And stop complaining about how I make fun of you for listening to Cher and Kenny G mixtapes. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

10:42 AM  
Blogger Staci said...

ah crandall-once again you have outdone saying what you think. crazy kid, one of these days you'll see. haha, it was funny though...

11:27 AM  
Blogger Kelsie said...

ya so i sense tension. and i don't think i'm very fond of that ben kid. he's always seemed like such a hater.
anyways....i am definitely planning on coming to one of the summer sizzle days. i gotta talk w/ rach probably and figure out what day. she might have to work which means i'll either a)bring someone else or b) just come by myslef cuz i'll still have like you and nathan and everyone else i know. ok so i'll figure that out as soon as possible and call u about it.
oh and could u please burn the coldplay cd for me?!? u can give it to me next week. thanks!

12:19 PM  
Blogger Pureblood Prince said...

hey kels, you should know that the coldplay cd you so badly want is only available because of this ben kid that you don't like much and is a "hater" how the tide has turned...

12:31 PM  
Blogger Kelsie said...

its true. its cuz of ben. and i didn't say he was a hater. i said he "seems" like a hater(i feel dumb sayin hater cuz i feel like i'm trying to be one of those white kids that likes to act black) but i don't even know him so i'm not gonna talk. forgive me.

12:53 PM  
Blogger the Opinionator said...

psst! they're called "Wiggers"


; )

8:38 PM  
Blogger Staci said... yourself. if "one of those white kids that likes to act black" doesn't work for you, i'd go with wangster.

8:06 PM  
Blogger Andrew Crandall said...

well said staci, we dont want this confrontation spilling out to other social issue outpourings. keep it clean ben!

9:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, i stumbled across this blog and was shocked. i find it terrible that u would write badly about someone and say their name so everyone can know it. this is not the place to do that. i don't know any of u people, but i feel bad for this ben guy. u should keep ur negative thoughts to urslef OR confront him about it. not go writing about him so all the world can see. don't u think this would have been the smarter and more mature approach? that's what i thought. i'm glad i dont know u, cuz u seem like a real jackass.

9:58 PM  
Blogger the Opinionator said...



10:58 PM  
Blogger Andrew Crandall said...

way to get involved!! if you perhaps knew the situation, or ben, or myself, then maybe you would have a right to say something. just maybe. it seems, from the comments, that ben can stand up for himself, and, ben, just because this anonymous person feels bad for you, doesnt mean you're right. cuz you're not. and, i dont know if ne thing can take summer sizzle away from me. not even you.

8:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

obviously ur too egotistical to even think about what i said. u must be one of those people who think they're always right. i just thought u could have handled it much better. guys don't tend to write about how another guy is pissing them off. usually they settle it between themselves...this leads me to my next assumption...that ur gay. like really, ur a #####

11:13 AM  
Blogger Andrew Crandall said...

thoughts ne one? no, for real?!

7:44 AM  
Blogger the Opinionator said...

i hate to come to Andrew's defense here, but I am the gay one, not him...duh.


3:02 PM  
Blogger Pureblood Prince said...

do the words "more Christian" come ot anyones mind, cuz i can;t get them out of my head.

ps "is it kitty?"

7:47 PM  
Blogger the Opinionator said...

haha..."more christian"


11:56 AM  
Blogger Andrew Crandall said...

oh geez, there are too many things to say.. lol. kitty?

1:47 PM  
Blogger Kelsie said...

drew, forgive me for being the worst friend ever...sorta. my dad's cell broke so he took mine so i didn't get ur calls until just now(sat.evening) i couldn't go to the game on friday and then today's game i thought was at 6 which i wouldn't of been able to go to, but turns out it was at 4, which i totally would of been able to go to. had i had my phone i would of known the times thanks to ur message. but alas i didn't so my apologies. please tell me that u guys are gonna move on that way i can still come to a game!! grr...why do i have horrible luck??

3:36 PM  
Blogger Andrew Crandall said...

btw, i cant think of a 5-letter word that correlates people with homosexuality, and may be inappropriate to say.. ne guesses?
p.s. be discrete please.

9:25 PM  
Blogger Staci said...

hmm that crossed my mind as well, maybe B***h? eh who knows

11:12 AM  
Blogger Andrew Crandall said...

that wasnt you agreeing by ne means was it? lol, im jk. people who 'know' know better! lol. i guess im an arrogant ##### at that.

12:35 PM  
Blogger Kelsie said...

wow so the first time i read that anonymous comment a word popped into my head and i didnt even wonder what the #'s stood for. that makes me feel really really raunchy and like a bad kid. i think i've been in highschool too long. its rubbing off on me. i'm not even gonna say what i thought it was cuz its just plain wrong. like a nasty word.

7:17 PM  
Blogger Staci said...

i cannot believe i am posting your 24th comment. crandall, so hot right now, crandall. heh heh i love zoolander! so after reading the above (rake) comment, today's "name that inappropriate 5 letter put-down" just came to me. i think T's guess is correct after discovering the unspeakable...

7:31 PM  
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12:07 PM  

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